This week marks my halfway point. I have been here for five months, and I have five months left.
I can´t decide if I should be excited that Im halfway to home, or sad because half my year here is already gone.
Well...nothing really happened this week. I just took a million pictures, like usual.
Oh! On Wednesday I went running with my friend from school. So that was good.
I don´t really have much to say this week. So Ill just throw some dates out that I know I am doing things so all you can be just as excited as me for these next five months, becuase, trust me, they are jammed to thier capacity of things to do, and I still want to do more. I dont have enough time left!!
Feb. 4-5 AFS orientation in Malaga<3
Last week in Feb. - vacation to Panticosa in the north of Spain to go skiing, por finn! Nieve :)
March 18 - Half Marathon (except, i think my family is doing some big get together that weekend, so they are looking for a different half marathon for me that is around the same time)
March 30 - SWITZERLAND!!!! for the week, to visit Annika <3
I am returning from Switzerland on April 5th, and then that whole weekend will be celebrating easter, and here they have huge parades, and festivals!
The week after I go to Switzerland, Lyla is coming to visit! April is just packed with great stuff :)
Plus, the last week in april is the Feria in Sevilla, so i might go and experience some feria.
May is pretty boring.
June = last month here....June 20ish is my last day of school, and I will have two weeks of summer in spain before I come back home in the first week in July.
I will download some more photos this week. But for now, check out my facebook for photos.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Every house where love abides And friendship is a guest, Is surely home, and home sweet home For there the heart can rest. ~Henry Van Dyke
Well...this has been one of those weeks where I didnt do much (well until today...i went to sevilla). For some reason I was extremely homesick all week, and often finding myself thinking about home and everything wonderful at home, but as the week went on things kept reminding me why I love living here. With only 5 months left (and one week), or as Noelle put it, only 20ish more weekends.....I dont have much time left! These first five months have flown by, and I know these next 5 months are going to go even faster (Im going skiing in february, running a half marathon in March, 95% probably going to Switzerland in April, Lyla is visiting me in April as well, and then...ill only have one month left.....meh...not enough time!)
well for this past week...
On Monday I had piano...
Tuesday I ran after school then had my photography class and we had a class where we went out and took pictures on the street. I learned how to take pictures of moving cars in the night time :)
On wednesday I didnt do anything but go to school and run...
On Thursday I had photography (and ran of course...)
On Friday I went for...what was supposed to be a 7 mile run...but ended up doing like accident becuase I didnt calculate the distances right in my head. But I felt good, so I didnt mind. Actually running on friday reminded me why I like running. I didnt start until 6:10 so, by the time I got to the beach the sun was setting behind the mountains, and the sky was all kinds of pretty colors, and the air was perfect, and it also reminded me why I love living here in Malaga. Best 9 mile run in my entire life (well...also my first :P)
I woke up at 7:45 this morning to meet Julian at the train station, so we could take a train to Sevilla to visit with two of our AFS friends, Noelle and Katie, who live there. The train was two hours, and we had a perfect day in Sevilla. We walked around a lot of the city. I saw aqueducts, the cathedral, a...well ...a...more modern thing in the middle of the city you can climb up (correction: take an elevator up) and see all of sevilla.[see below for photos] and walked along the river. Then Julian and I had to return to Malaga, so Julian wouldnt miss his last bus home at 8:30. Sevilla was amazing! I just love being in spain....
This past week I was homesick for home, I missed my family and friends, and most importantly I missed how easy things were in the US. But as the week drew to a close, I realized I wasnt homesick, I was just missing those simple things in life that I took for granted. I realized I didnt come here for things to be simple, I came here to learn, and to learn about a new culture. I realized that i have done just that and more. I have become at home here in Spain, and when I return to the US in five months my homesickness will reverse, and I will be homesick for Malaga. I have become a citizen of a new city, an egual student at a new school, a member of a new family, and piece of my heart has been set into the walls of my new home. Forever I will be homesick for one or the other, but this is not a burden, it is a blessing, to have two places where in which i call my home :)
well for this past week...
On Monday I had piano...
Tuesday I ran after school then had my photography class and we had a class where we went out and took pictures on the street. I learned how to take pictures of moving cars in the night time :)
On wednesday I didnt do anything but go to school and run...
On Thursday I had photography (and ran of course...)
On Friday I went for...what was supposed to be a 7 mile run...but ended up doing like accident becuase I didnt calculate the distances right in my head. But I felt good, so I didnt mind. Actually running on friday reminded me why I like running. I didnt start until 6:10 so, by the time I got to the beach the sun was setting behind the mountains, and the sky was all kinds of pretty colors, and the air was perfect, and it also reminded me why I love living here in Malaga. Best 9 mile run in my entire life (well...also my first :P)
I woke up at 7:45 this morning to meet Julian at the train station, so we could take a train to Sevilla to visit with two of our AFS friends, Noelle and Katie, who live there. The train was two hours, and we had a perfect day in Sevilla. We walked around a lot of the city. I saw aqueducts, the cathedral, a...well ...a...more modern thing in the middle of the city you can climb up (correction: take an elevator up) and see all of sevilla.[see below for photos] and walked along the river. Then Julian and I had to return to Malaga, so Julian wouldnt miss his last bus home at 8:30. Sevilla was amazing! I just love being in spain....
Noelle, Julian, and me |
"1/14 of the cathedral" -Katie madigan |
the thing you can go up to the top of... |
Julian, me and katie |
pretending to be taller... |
This past week I was homesick for home, I missed my family and friends, and most importantly I missed how easy things were in the US. But as the week drew to a close, I realized I wasnt homesick, I was just missing those simple things in life that I took for granted. I realized I didnt come here for things to be simple, I came here to learn, and to learn about a new culture. I realized that i have done just that and more. I have become at home here in Spain, and when I return to the US in five months my homesickness will reverse, and I will be homesick for Malaga. I have become a citizen of a new city, an egual student at a new school, a member of a new family, and piece of my heart has been set into the walls of my new home. Forever I will be homesick for one or the other, but this is not a burden, it is a blessing, to have two places where in which i call my home :)
Saturday, January 14, 2012
“You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” -Rabindranath Tagore cant simply imagine yourself running and have the same effects as actually running...
This past week I have begun multiple things. During my vacation, as you all know, I did nothing. I didnt run, I didnt study, I did nothing productive. So to make up for that, I tried my best to do what I could this past week.
On Monday, I had piano lessons. They went well again, and we talked more, and we have the same ideas when it comes to piano. She knows she cannot push me too hard to be perfect, becuase my goal isnt to play the piano flawlessly, and she agrees that being flawless in your music is not the point of playing, we agree that music is for enjoyment and expression. She is here to help me learn how to play harder songs, and guide me in my practicing so I can become a better pianist. If someday I want to be a proffesional pianist (highly unlikely) then, I will attempt to play flawlessly, but for now, I want to play just to play, without stressing about every little detail. :)
After Piano I realized that I really need to start running again. Not only for excerise, but as my host mom reminded me, it is also good for making you feel better, and more awake. I decided that, in order for me to really have motivation to run, I need something to run for, I need a reason other than physical and mental fitness (becuase for some reason...thats not enough motivation for me to run) So I looked up races I could train for in the area. I signed myself up (with the support and aid of my host parents, obviously) to run the Half marathon of Malaga on March 18. :) So I am officially running my first half marathon in Spain in 9 weeks!
Also, my friend, Mariely, wants to run it too. So on Mondays from now on (one of the only days she doesnt have crew...) we are going to train together! Things are definitly moving forward.
On Tuesday, I started my photography class. It is a class of 12 people (including me) with ages ranging from me as the youngest to university students to 50 year olds. Everyone is really nice and the instructor tries her best to talk slow enough for me to understand, but not so slow it slows down the class for everyone else.
I have decided i think it is hilarious being a foreign student, especially at my age, becuase no one expects it, especially becuase I dont act like a classic lost little foreign girl, so everyone just assumes I am a slightly shy spanish girl. So, when they were doing attendence on the first day of the class, and the instructor got to me and knew exactly who I was, and began asking me how well I understand, and how I am liking Spain, every head turned to me and began firing questions at me, "where are you from?" "How long have you been here?" "How do you like spain?" "How long will you be here?" It was like the first day of school all over again, except this time, I actually understood all the questions and didnt just nod and say "si".
On Wednesday I had a field trip for school. We went to the center of Malaga and did some sight seeing, which for the students I was with a repeat, aparently they do this every year. But for me, it was all new. I hadnt gone officially sightseeing in the touristy stuff in malaga. So, all my friends got their amusement from my reactions, or asking me what I like best, or asking me to compare the stuff here to the stuff in the US.
We visited the Cathedral of Malaga, El Museo de Revello Torro, and the house of Pablo Picasso. The cathedral wasnt really anything new. I swear all the cathedrals in Spain are exactly the I had gone to mass here already, so I had already seen it. El Museo de Revello Torro is an art museum of a more modern painter who does a lot of portrature of famous people, and other paintings as well. After I got home I told my host parents that I had gone there, and aparently Revello Torro is a distant relative of my host family, and in my grandparent´s house their is a portrait of my grandfather painted by Revello Torro. Crazy. I guess this family has artistic talent routed in their blood more than I thought...
The house of Pablo Picasso wasnt too exciting. Becuase Pablo Picasso is so famous, his works of art are distributed all over the world, and not many are left in malaga, even though this is his birthplace. So, it wasnt a lot of his artwork, just his history. Kinda boring.
On thursday, I had my photography class again, which was less exciting than the first but I still enjoyed it. The guy sitting next to me, Jorge, began asking me questions about where I lived in the US. Aparently he spent some time in New Haven and Waterbury, CT. I think for work, but he didnt really explain why.
On friday i went to a dinner hosted by a program called, pachange, where you are paired with other poeple who want to learn english, and you want to learn spanish and you eat dinner with them and speak and both languages. I met other students from canada, the UK and one from California. It was nice to meet and speak with other english speakers living in Malaga. I ate my dinner with two spanairds who want to improve their english, and a german girl who can fluently speak english and is studying here in university. She also lived in Peru for a year, so her spanish is pretty good.
Now today, I dont know what I am going to do. I am definitly going to run at least 6 miles...but I dont know when...
Now for some of my project 365 pictures (on my facebook I have my out takes, that I didnt use for the project but I still like.)
This past week I have begun multiple things. During my vacation, as you all know, I did nothing. I didnt run, I didnt study, I did nothing productive. So to make up for that, I tried my best to do what I could this past week.
On Monday, I had piano lessons. They went well again, and we talked more, and we have the same ideas when it comes to piano. She knows she cannot push me too hard to be perfect, becuase my goal isnt to play the piano flawlessly, and she agrees that being flawless in your music is not the point of playing, we agree that music is for enjoyment and expression. She is here to help me learn how to play harder songs, and guide me in my practicing so I can become a better pianist. If someday I want to be a proffesional pianist (highly unlikely) then, I will attempt to play flawlessly, but for now, I want to play just to play, without stressing about every little detail. :)
After Piano I realized that I really need to start running again. Not only for excerise, but as my host mom reminded me, it is also good for making you feel better, and more awake. I decided that, in order for me to really have motivation to run, I need something to run for, I need a reason other than physical and mental fitness (becuase for some reason...thats not enough motivation for me to run) So I looked up races I could train for in the area. I signed myself up (with the support and aid of my host parents, obviously) to run the Half marathon of Malaga on March 18. :) So I am officially running my first half marathon in Spain in 9 weeks!
Also, my friend, Mariely, wants to run it too. So on Mondays from now on (one of the only days she doesnt have crew...) we are going to train together! Things are definitly moving forward.
On Tuesday, I started my photography class. It is a class of 12 people (including me) with ages ranging from me as the youngest to university students to 50 year olds. Everyone is really nice and the instructor tries her best to talk slow enough for me to understand, but not so slow it slows down the class for everyone else.
I have decided i think it is hilarious being a foreign student, especially at my age, becuase no one expects it, especially becuase I dont act like a classic lost little foreign girl, so everyone just assumes I am a slightly shy spanish girl. So, when they were doing attendence on the first day of the class, and the instructor got to me and knew exactly who I was, and began asking me how well I understand, and how I am liking Spain, every head turned to me and began firing questions at me, "where are you from?" "How long have you been here?" "How do you like spain?" "How long will you be here?" It was like the first day of school all over again, except this time, I actually understood all the questions and didnt just nod and say "si".
On Wednesday I had a field trip for school. We went to the center of Malaga and did some sight seeing, which for the students I was with a repeat, aparently they do this every year. But for me, it was all new. I hadnt gone officially sightseeing in the touristy stuff in malaga. So, all my friends got their amusement from my reactions, or asking me what I like best, or asking me to compare the stuff here to the stuff in the US.
We visited the Cathedral of Malaga, El Museo de Revello Torro, and the house of Pablo Picasso. The cathedral wasnt really anything new. I swear all the cathedrals in Spain are exactly the I had gone to mass here already, so I had already seen it. El Museo de Revello Torro is an art museum of a more modern painter who does a lot of portrature of famous people, and other paintings as well. After I got home I told my host parents that I had gone there, and aparently Revello Torro is a distant relative of my host family, and in my grandparent´s house their is a portrait of my grandfather painted by Revello Torro. Crazy. I guess this family has artistic talent routed in their blood more than I thought...
The house of Pablo Picasso wasnt too exciting. Becuase Pablo Picasso is so famous, his works of art are distributed all over the world, and not many are left in malaga, even though this is his birthplace. So, it wasnt a lot of his artwork, just his history. Kinda boring.
On thursday, I had my photography class again, which was less exciting than the first but I still enjoyed it. The guy sitting next to me, Jorge, began asking me questions about where I lived in the US. Aparently he spent some time in New Haven and Waterbury, CT. I think for work, but he didnt really explain why.
On friday i went to a dinner hosted by a program called, pachange, where you are paired with other poeple who want to learn english, and you want to learn spanish and you eat dinner with them and speak and both languages. I met other students from canada, the UK and one from California. It was nice to meet and speak with other english speakers living in Malaga. I ate my dinner with two spanairds who want to improve their english, and a german girl who can fluently speak english and is studying here in university. She also lived in Peru for a year, so her spanish is pretty good.
Now today, I dont know what I am going to do. I am definitly going to run at least 6 miles...but I dont know when...
Now for some of my project 365 pictures (on my facebook I have my out takes, that I didnt use for the project but I still like.)
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Day 6 - Jan 6 Three perfumes I got for three kings day |
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Day 7 - Jan 7 Three shoes hanging from a telephone wire |
Day 8 - Jan 8 A bird flying away |
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Day 9 - Jan 9 A water droplet |
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Day 10 - Jan 10 Some guy´s feet |
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Day 11 - Jan 11 A little kid playing at a local playground (I have permission of his parents) |
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Day 12 - Jan 12 A crew boat in the port |
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Day 13 - Jan 13 A playmobile guy underwater in the bath tub taken with my new waterproof lumix :) |
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Three Kings Day. El Dia de los Reyes Magos.
It is basically just like our christmas, except with fewer gifts. Only gifts are recieved from the "Reyes", granted its like 5 or 6 or 7 gifts all from the "reyes" but you dont get any from your parents, or aunts, or uncles. However I did recieve a gift from my grandma, however it was technically from the "reyes" at her house, not actually from her. It is an interesting concept.
We opened all of the gifts at 9am, which didnt please Pablo. Then ate breakfast and headed off to my dad´s parent´s house where it was chaos, with all the little kids running around with their new toys. We didn´t stay long (thank goodness) and we returned home, where my mom´s side of the family had already arrived. At our house we had a barbecue with them and opened more presents and just hung out. Thats really it. Nothing too exciting I guess.
From the "Reyes" I got a new jacket, a watch, a bag, perfume, socks, pants, and possible something else. From the Reyes at my grandmas house i got more perfume and lotion. And finally from my other side off the family I got mittens and a pair of shoes (both which I love...well i love everything I got)
On Sunday I got up at 9am to go to the mountains (like a 40 min drive or less..) to go for a hike with the part of the family. We got pretty close to the top and reached a point that was heavily effected by erosion, and extremely difficult to climb. Because we were hiking with rather young children, we had to turn back. We ended up eating lunch when we returned instead of at the top of the mountain as planned, but thats alright.
After the hike we went back home where I watched a movie with my host family, becuase i have a cold, so I didnt feel like going out.
Today we had a pretty mellow day, being the day before going back to school. We went to mass at 12, came home and had lunch, and then I went to attempt to exchange my jacket for a bigger size (my shoulders are too large...) but all the stores are closed everywhere. When I got home, I walked to the beach and took random photos experimenting with my new lens. You can see them on facebook, but here are some of my favorites.
And I am going to wait until my next post to post my most recent photos from my project 365 becuase there are only two more...
It is basically just like our christmas, except with fewer gifts. Only gifts are recieved from the "Reyes", granted its like 5 or 6 or 7 gifts all from the "reyes" but you dont get any from your parents, or aunts, or uncles. However I did recieve a gift from my grandma, however it was technically from the "reyes" at her house, not actually from her. It is an interesting concept.
We opened all of the gifts at 9am, which didnt please Pablo. Then ate breakfast and headed off to my dad´s parent´s house where it was chaos, with all the little kids running around with their new toys. We didn´t stay long (thank goodness) and we returned home, where my mom´s side of the family had already arrived. At our house we had a barbecue with them and opened more presents and just hung out. Thats really it. Nothing too exciting I guess.
From the "Reyes" I got a new jacket, a watch, a bag, perfume, socks, pants, and possible something else. From the Reyes at my grandmas house i got more perfume and lotion. And finally from my other side off the family I got mittens and a pair of shoes (both which I love...well i love everything I got)
On Sunday I got up at 9am to go to the mountains (like a 40 min drive or less..) to go for a hike with the part of the family. We got pretty close to the top and reached a point that was heavily effected by erosion, and extremely difficult to climb. Because we were hiking with rather young children, we had to turn back. We ended up eating lunch when we returned instead of at the top of the mountain as planned, but thats alright.
In the middle of the mountains |
me standing in the valley before heading up more |
the view from where we had to turn back |
my host brother, Pablo, and my cousin striking a pose on the walk back |
Today we had a pretty mellow day, being the day before going back to school. We went to mass at 12, came home and had lunch, and then I went to attempt to exchange my jacket for a bigger size (my shoulders are too large...) but all the stores are closed everywhere. When I got home, I walked to the beach and took random photos experimenting with my new lens. You can see them on facebook, but here are some of my favorites.
And I am going to wait until my next post to post my most recent photos from my project 365 becuase there are only two more...
Thursday, January 5, 2012
A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in. ~Robert Orben
Back to the quotes:) also, I am writing this now, so my next post can be dedicated just to three kings day-
I have done nothing this vacation. Nothing. I get a two week vacation and i do nothing. Yet, i dont even mind, its been nice. I cant wait to go back to school and see the kids i havnt seen over break, and to actually have something to keep me busy, yet at the same time, I look at the last three days of break i have, and two weeks of break in spain doesnt mean the same as one week of break in the US. When you only have one week of break, you cherish it, and one week almost seems like an eternity of break, but now that I have had two weeks here, one week seems like nothing.
On Monday I didnt do anything exciting, I mean I hardly remember, so clearly I didnt.
On Tuesday an AFS friend of mine, Mikeala, living in a small city nearish to Granada, but she is from Washington, came and visited me. We didnt have tons of time, but we skimmed basically everything there is to do in malaga. We went to the center, to the beach, ate at the beach, etc. For me a normal day, but she loved it. where she lives here, its pretty cold, like 30s in the morning and at night. Not here in Malaga. She is coming back tomorrow, because her family is, and she is staying at my house over night so we can go to the beach on Saturday.
Yesterday I had another Piano lesson but with a different teacher. The teacher is Swiss, but speaks spanish becuase she has lived here for quite some time. She also speaks german and french. She is extremely nice and I really enjoyed my hour lesson and I am going back next monday. :) She gave me some new music that I cannot wait to learn.
After my lesson I walked home, and got ready for a surprise party for two of my friends, Alberto and Javi. They honestly had no idea and their faces when they walked through the door were priceless.
Today I went to the Cabalgata. A parade to celebrate the arrival of the Three Kings. It was short, and a lot like the parades we have in the US. I didnt get many good pictures (WITH by the way, my new camera lens I recieved in the mail today!! along with my other camera (thank you Mom, Dad, Gran and gramps, Aunt Sue, Uncle Chris, Mimi and PopPop <3))
Also, I decided to begin the project 365 challenge, where you take a photo a day for a whole year. I have the pictures on facebook, but I guess I will post them here too, so here it goes.
I have done nothing this vacation. Nothing. I get a two week vacation and i do nothing. Yet, i dont even mind, its been nice. I cant wait to go back to school and see the kids i havnt seen over break, and to actually have something to keep me busy, yet at the same time, I look at the last three days of break i have, and two weeks of break in spain doesnt mean the same as one week of break in the US. When you only have one week of break, you cherish it, and one week almost seems like an eternity of break, but now that I have had two weeks here, one week seems like nothing.
On Monday I didnt do anything exciting, I mean I hardly remember, so clearly I didnt.
On Tuesday an AFS friend of mine, Mikeala, living in a small city nearish to Granada, but she is from Washington, came and visited me. We didnt have tons of time, but we skimmed basically everything there is to do in malaga. We went to the center, to the beach, ate at the beach, etc. For me a normal day, but she loved it. where she lives here, its pretty cold, like 30s in the morning and at night. Not here in Malaga. She is coming back tomorrow, because her family is, and she is staying at my house over night so we can go to the beach on Saturday.
Yesterday I had another Piano lesson but with a different teacher. The teacher is Swiss, but speaks spanish becuase she has lived here for quite some time. She also speaks german and french. She is extremely nice and I really enjoyed my hour lesson and I am going back next monday. :) She gave me some new music that I cannot wait to learn.
After my lesson I walked home, and got ready for a surprise party for two of my friends, Alberto and Javi. They honestly had no idea and their faces when they walked through the door were priceless.
Today I went to the Cabalgata. A parade to celebrate the arrival of the Three Kings. It was short, and a lot like the parades we have in the US. I didnt get many good pictures (WITH by the way, my new camera lens I recieved in the mail today!! along with my other camera (thank you Mom, Dad, Gran and gramps, Aunt Sue, Uncle Chris, Mimi and PopPop <3))
Also, I decided to begin the project 365 challenge, where you take a photo a day for a whole year. I have the pictures on facebook, but I guess I will post them here too, so here it goes.
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Day 1 - With Mariely and Anca on New Years morning at 4am |
Day 2 - Padel Trophies in my room |
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Day 3 - Some flowers I passed while with Mikeala |
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Day 4 - Alberto and javi´s reaction to their party |
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Day 5 - The three kings in the Cabalgata |
Sunday, January 1, 2012
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
On Tuesday I didn´t much, yet again, but I went out with Maria and her friends to her friend´s house to watch TV and such.
On Wednesday, well, nothing again. I stayed home with Pablo.
On Thursday I went out with Maria again. We went out dancing and I had tons of fun.
On Friday during the day my family and I went to Marabella, a small town in the Malaga Province about 30 mins from the city. Aparently Marabella has a lot of touristy things to do, so I figured we were going to go downtown to sight see like usual. No, we ended up going to an Adventure Park that had ropes courses in the trees. I was not at all prepared (I was wearing white pants, and flat shoes) but I still did every single course they offered. I was extremely exhausted after, I don´t think I have ever used so much arm muscle in my whole life.
a tightrope |
another kind of tightrope |
ziplines |
rockwall |
my host brother crossing a low bridge |
rock wall, that was reallly tall |
on the end of the "deportisto" course, the hardest one. |
a skateboard like thing, in the trees, on wires. |
On friday night I stayed home again, but this time alone, but I didnt mind a nice quiet night to myself after the long day of excersize i had.
On Saturday we didnt do anything until we went to mass at 7, then came home and got dressed up and went to my aunt´s house for a New Years celebration and dinner. We got there aroung 9, ate dinner around 10 and then at 11:45 we turned on the TV to watch the clock chimes in Madrid. Here in Spain their tradition is to eat one grape for every single one of the twelve chimes of the clock at midnight, the last chimes of the old year. I couldnt wait to try. However. With only one minute to go until midnight, the TV was having problems, so my uncle went to go fix it. He broke it. We then missed the chimes, and the official turn to midnight. Oh well. Next year.
my host mom, my two host sisters and me. |
my host mom, my two host sisters, and my host brother |
some of my aunts and little cousins and my grandma. |
After wandering around (we are too young to go to bars or clubs or anything, and most parties are private that you had to pay for in advance) we went back to my friend´s house where we hung out, took pictures, watched tv, etc until 4:30 am. At 4:30am Mariely turned to me and asked me how I was getting home, was I being picked up or what. I told her I planned on taking a taxi. So we called the taxi company to get a taxi to come pick me up and they put us on hold for 15 mins, so we just hung up and sat there. Mariely offered to let me stay the night becuase it is too dangerous to walk alone on New Years Night because of all the drunks. So I stayed the night there with Anca and Mariely. Mariely has three dogs and a cat, so I got to spend some time with animals, por finn.
Mariely and me |
me-mariely-anca |
Happy new Year everyone!
a week til three kings day :)
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