Thursday, December 15, 2011

Third day of Christmas

On the Third day of christmas my teachers gave to me three good grades
more conversations
and only two more trimestrales.

I guess im sort of cheating...becuase i change the verses before hand, but if I don´t it doesnt all fit together.

So...I still have a math trimestrale tomorrow and a chemistry one on monday, plus a recuperacion* in biology on monday, annddd a biology test on our last chapter on wednesday. Sounds like a fun a week before christmas...
But on the good side my tests have been good so far. To begin here is the grading equivalents, so you can understand how good these grades are :) spanish grades=american grades
10= 95-100 (high A) 9=90-95 ((low A) 8=85-90 (high B) 7=80-85 (low B) 6=75-80 (high C) 5=70-75 (low C) 4=65-75 (high D...technically failing) 3=60-65 (low D...but is actually a fail) and 2 or less is an F.

Alright...sooo on my CMC (science in the contemporary world) test I got a 6.5, making my total for this trimester a 7, because my other grades were pretty high.
On my philosophy test I got a 6, originally i had a 7, but the teacher took 1 whole point off for grammar mistakes, like missing accents. For real? But..its still passing soo that means I don´t need to take any recuperaciones* for this class, which i originally had too, becuase my last test was a 3.45.... All my other grades in this class were 7.7 and 7.3 soo my average grade is passing. No recuperaciones!! woo.
On my math exam I got a 7.25, this class is easy...i mean, considering the tests are only like 5 questions long, so if you get one wrong thats 2 points off....sooo thats why my grades arent spectacular, because i make dumb mistakes.
so those are my three good grades :)
I havnt gotten my french test back yet, i will get it back tomorrow...but I am pretty sure I did really well. knock on wood.
Also....yesterday we had a lengua trimestral, but I didn´t even take it. the teacher didn´t give it to me because, well....its on like all the grammar rules in the spanish language that these kids have been studying for around 5 years now, plus they speak the  language. sooo, the reality is, its impossible for me to pass. Instead, she gave me a spanish book to read and write a summary of what i read in a half hour. works for me!

*Recuperacion = So, for each unit we cover we have a test, right? If you get a 4 or below, you have failed it (basically everyone in my school...) So, at the end of the trimester, the teachers have "recuperaciones" for the students to retake whatever units they may have failed, if their average grade is failing. So, if you only failed one exam, and only by alittle and your average grade is not failing, then you dont need to retake that failed test (you can if you want a higher grade, but no one does..) And, in the case of most of the kids in my class, they fail 2 or 3 or even all of the units and so, in one hour they need to make up every single one of those tests, which each took an hour to begin with. This is the part I don´t get...
On monday, for biology i have a recuperacion of the last unit, my grade was insufficient, however my overall grade is still passing. My biology teacher thinks i can do better, and that "i just didnt study hard enough" (part true...but it was also a really hard unit...) so i am taking the recuperacion on monday to make my grade better.
Soo in conclusion...these kids could just fail everything until the end of the trimester and just make everything up in the end of the trimester. Que suerte.. (what luck) we dont have that in the US....if you fail, you fail. You dont get a chance to make it up.

Another quick thing for me to look forward to :)
my AFS friend Julian is coming to malaga tomorrow to see the lights in Malaga, and then hes staying in Malaga overnight and we are going to go (possible... not positive yet) to Sevilla on saturday to see the city and a couple more of our AFS friends :)


  1. Ally! Sounds like you are doing really good in Malaga. I love reading your blog, your posts are so interesting and hey, nice job on your first trimester! I have no idea how you did so well!

  2. Haha thanks Erika! How are you doing with your family and school and stuff? I have heard a lot about kids switching homes lately, its so sad to hear :(
