Friday, September 30, 2011

No News is Good News

It has been a week since my last post, sorry to keep you waiting.
Today is a pretty big day. It has officially been two weeks of school and one whole month here in Spain.

The second week of school has definitely been better. My friends at school are all encouraging me to speak and I am am beginning to enjoy their company. They have yet to let me in on their plans for the weekend, but that will come in time. For now, I have Maria and her friends for support on the weekends, which I am grateful for.

This week was pretty uneventful, if I do say so myself. I went to school everyday, came home, did homework, ran, went to bed. Yesterday, was a bit eventful, I guess. I went to the Police station to extend my Visa. The visa that I recieved from my consulate in New York City is only valid for 180 days, so I had to go to my local police station (with organizaion a lot like the DMV, but worse, because it is a bunch of foreign people trying to get visas, some who don´t know the me...however they don´t have a host mom basically doing everything for them). Because I went to the police station I missed my three morning classes, but that is no big deal because it was only english, chemistry and physics (the teacher has been absent all week, so it is just a study hall), and PE. So, I didn´t miss anything vital. Yesterday, afterschool I went to my friend/Maria´s friend´s house for lunch for her birthday. We didn´t stay too long because everyone had homework to do.

Next week I will have my first tests, I have one on Monday for my sciences in the contemporary world class (easy because its a short chapter, and on stuff I learned in like 7th grade about hypothesises), one on wednesday for math (stuff I learned last logarithms..easyyy), and on Friday I have a test in Philosophy (which should be pretty easy. Not as easy as the other too, but I am pretty sure we dont have school for some reason on Thursday so I have alll day to study.)  I might have a biology test, but I won´t know until next week.

That is pretty much all that has happened this week. Not much. But I guess that is because things are falling into a pattern, which is good, I am settling in. I will say, one thing I need to do less is use the computer less. i use it way too much. So, that will be a goal for me for next week. Use the computer less (especially facebook!)


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